Products 1-6 of 6
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Silence-ebk -
"It's in the silent space between two notes not the notes themselves." An ebook by Terres Unsoeld and Fabien Maman.https: Silence-ebook.html
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Silence-print+ebook -
Let there be Silence, Sacred Sound Healing for these Times of Chaos, delivers one of Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld’ most subtle yet powerful of all our sound healing techniques: The Tama-Do Sound Harmonization®, which began the whole sound healing revolution, 50 years ago.Once you purchase you will receive an email with a password & product delivery instructions for the ebook and another email when your printed version ships.For more information: ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Silence-french-ebook-print -
Cela fait 30 ans que Fabien Maman, le père fondateur de la thérapie sonore vibratoire, a créé son premier Harmonisation Sonore Tama-Do® - le bain sonore original - en utilisant des instruments acoustiques et des sons élémentaux autour du corps pour harmoniser les chakras et les champs d’énergie subtile (aura). (1988) Pour plus d'informations : ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Silence-ebk-fr -
"It's in the silent space between two notes not the notes themselves." An ebook by Terres Unsoeld and Fabien Maman.https: Silence-ebook.html